The Art Of Mixology: Shaking Up Your Blog Content

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Ask anyone with a little-toe or more in the marketing world and they will tell you that content is King, and long live that king. But if you were to dig even further down and get into the nitty-gritty of what makes content super-duper awesome, then you’ll stumble across a pot of gold labelled “Visual Content”.
With so much white noise clogging up the online-universe, visual content is easily the most powerful tool your brand can use, whether it be used on your blog, your social media pages or your email campaigns. It is what engages an audience, what sets your brand apart from the rest and what makes people choose you. Basically, visual content is totally badass and you need to know how to harness its badassness (if you catch our drift).
1. One Size Does Not Fit All
Given your brand (no doubt) has a page on every different social media platform going, you’ve probably noticed that the image sizes are all completely different. Each one has preferred image dimensions. Twitter is different from Facebook which is different from Instagram which is different from LinkedIn.That’s why you need to know these dimensions and then please them.
2. Everyday Is Content Day
Now we understand that trying to post to all of your social media accounts each day is more time-consuming that accidentally searching for “pallet furniture” on Pinterest, but you need to do it, and the best way to make it easier is with a plan. To help you with this, we have pulled together a quick insight into how often you should be posting on each one:
Twitter: 12-14 times a day
Facebook: 2-3 times a day
Instagram: Twice a day
LinkedIn: Once a day
Just remember to add images to your posts in order to boost your chances of getting noticed.
3. Words-Only Won’t Do
Your ability to wield words is the secret to success. There are no two ways about it. That said, you can’t just rely on long blog posts filled with clever words and branded imagery if you really want to grab your audience by the eyeballs and then stick in their frontal lobes. No. What you need to do is shake it up more than James Bond ordering a drink. You need to think about hiring specialists in video production and add videos to your arsenal. You need to buy a microphone and some editing software and give podcasts a go. It doesn’t have to be every day or every week, but every so often will really make things wow.
4. Hooray For The Hashtag
The hashtag came, saw and conquered. It really did, which is why you need to jump on this bandwagon and use it to build awareness around a) your brand, b) your campaigns and c) your blog, and the best way to do this is with super-sexy photography, plonking a hashtag at the bottom and your logo beneath it. Basically, do exactly what Nike is doing because Nike is amazing when it comes to #brandedimages. Do this, and you will find your hashtags become a conversation topic in pubs across the world.